4  Stats

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4.1 Combining data visualization and statistical modeling

4.2 Convex hull

4.3 Inferential statistical tests

4.3.1 F-test

4.3.2 Pearson’s Chi-squared test

4.3.3 Test for association between paired samples

4.3.4 Test of equal or given proportions

4.3.5 T-test

4.4 Interaction plot

4.4.1 CGPfunctions

4.5 Linear regression

4.5.1 Diagnostic plots

4.5.2 Regression line equation and R-square

4.6 Lorenz Curve

4.7 Markov chain Monte Carlo

4.8 Multi-stat binning layer

4.9 Overlay normal density plot

4.10 P-values

4.11 P-P plot

4.12 Q-Q plot

4.13 Quality control chart

4.14 Proportions according to custom denominator

4.15 Random rorests

4.16 ROC curves

4.17 Sample data and distribution vectors

4.18 Seasonal adjustment

4.19 Statistics for reporting the results of model fits

4.20 Survival analysis

4.21 Tornado plot