3  Geoms

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Everything is liable to change, even the title

3.1 Area plots

3.1.1 Horizon chart

3.1.2 Ribbon plot (improved)

3.1.3 Streamgraph

3.2 Bar charts

3.2.1 Likert plot

3.2.2 Mosaic plot

3.3 Density plots

3.3.1 Raincloud plot

3.3.2 Ridgeline plot

3.4 Geometric shapes

3.4.1 Arc

3.4.2 B-spline curve

3.4.3 Bézier curve

3.4.4 Circle

3.4.5 Ellipse

3.5 Heatmaps

3.5.1 Calendar heatmap

3.6 Intersection plots

3.6.1 Upset plot

3.6.2 Venn diagram

3.7 Line charts

3.7.1 Bump chart

3.7.2 Dumbbell and lollipop plot

3.7.3 Line chart with neon glow or shadow effects

3.7.4 Slope chart

3.8 Multivariate graphs

3.8.1 Parallel coordinates plot (improved)

3.8.2 Radar chart

3.9 Pie charts

3.9.1 Pie chart (improved)

3.9.2 Moon chart

3.9.3 Square chart / waffle chart

3.10 Scatter plots

3.10.1 Beeswarm plot

3.10.2 Point density plot

3.11 Text visualization

3.11.1 Page layout visualization

3.11.2 Word cloud

3.12 Tree-based graphs

3.12.1 Dendrogram

3.12.2 Treemap

3.12.3 Voronoi diagram